Soothe Sunburn

Using Immortelle Ointment to Soothe Sunburn:

Sunburns can be uncomfortable and painful, but with proper skin care, symptoms can be alleviated, and skin damage can be reduced. Immortelle ointment (Latin: Helichrysum italicum) can be a useful and natural option for soothing sunburn symptoms. This plant has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that help reduce pain, redness, swelling, and inflammation.

Here’s how to use immortelle ointment to soothe sunburn:

Wash the sunburned area of the skin with cool water and gently pat dry.

Apply a small amount of immortelle ointment to the sunburned area and gently massage it until the ointment is completely absorbed. The ointment will help reduce pain and inflammation.

Repeat the application of immortelle ointment to the sunburned area several times a day as needed.

If the sunburn is extensive or painful, you can create a compress with immortelle ointment. Apply the immortelle ointment to a sterile gauze or cotton cloth and gently place it on the sunburned area of the skin. Cover the compress with a bandage or scarf and leave it on the skin for several hours. Repeat the process as needed.

Immortelle ointment can be purchased at health food stores or pharmacies, but it is also straightforward to make at home. To prepare immortelle ointment, you will need dried immortelle flowers and some cold-pressed oil, such as olive or almond oil.