
Valerian – Valeriana officinalis

Valerian is an excellent phytotherapeutic agent that helps us overcome fear, restlessness, stress, sadness and anxiety. It helps children with difficulty concentrating, with restlessness, sleep and headaches that have no organic cause. It also achieves an internal balance by which we prevent diseases that result from such a condition. It generally has a calming effect and helps with insomnia. The tincture and tea soothe nervous exhaustion and anxiety, nervous and painful stomach and intestinal cramps, heart neurosis, fear and tension in general, menopausal problems, and rapid changes in heart function. It is recommended for infectious diseases. Freshly harvested roots are almost odorless, the smell develops only during the drying. It is kept in closed containers so that it would not get wet, it is grown in a planned manner. The valerian habitat is on the river banks, from the lowlands to the mountain belt, on wet meadows, clearings and river banks.

Valerian products