
Sage – Salvia officinalis

Sage is more often used for external use so as not to cause side effects, because its essential oils are strong. It is not good to drink sage tea for a long time, in large quantities and often. It is a peppery and bitter plant due to tannins and bitter substances that are also medicinal. It has an antiseptic and astringent effect. At times, sage can replace antibiotics, and it is also used to produce a highly valued honey. It is used to treat typhoid fever, flu and severe cold; it cleanses the blood, strengthens the nerves, and stops the hand tremors. Sage has a strong, aromatic scent, which is lost by drying. It grows on the rocks of the islands, coastal region, Dalmatia, Herzegovina and Montenegro and only this sage is medicinal, and the rest of them – the sticky sage, meadow sage, woodland sage, African sage, and American sage – serve only as the ornament in our gardens.