Pot marigold

Pot marigold – Calendula officinalis

Pot marigold is an annual plant, which blooms from June to October, and serves as a mild antibiotic for external and internal use. Flowers of the pot marigold are used, and less often the tops of the plant with flowers. Pot marigold decoction is used for sores; ointment is used in case of scrofula, deep and malignant ulcers, old sores, and swollen glands. Marigold tea helps against ulcers, in case of a swollen liver or spleen, and jaundice. In kidney disease, it should be consumed twice a day. It also helps with menstrual pain, and with the flu and colds because it causes heavy sweating in combination with other herbs. It can cure fever, and it is useful to prepare tea for the weak and enfeebled in the event of a nervous breakdown. The blend of pot marigold and other herbs successfully treats psoriasis, and helps with other skin diseases. It is great for the skin care itself. Marigold is planted in vineyards and gardens as a favorite flower, and there is a wild variety in meadows around villages; the plant is oily sticky and has a bitter taste.